NCTE Activities For Atmosphere


Literacy Activity for Protocol Test


middle school

high school


Make a list that describes different kinds of water in the atmosphere and on the ground.  Write a few words to describe each one.

Write a paragraph that describes the adventures of a water molecule as it travels through the atmosphere and different clouds types.

Write a short story that describes the adventures of a water molecule as it travels through the water cycle and eventually ends up in your rainfall tube measuring device.

Air Temp

Write a sentence that compares today’s maximum temperature, today’s minimum temperature and the current temperature.  Use comparison words like: higher than and lower than.

Write two sentences that compare the max, min and current temperatures with those recorded during the previous measurement.

Write a paragraph that compares the max, min and current temperatures with those recorded during a previous measurement AND with predicted measurements at a future date.  Be sure to identify the timeframes of the previous measurement and the future measurement.

Solid Precipitation

Make a list that tells about the different kinds of solid precipitation.  Write a few words to describe each kind of solid precipitation. 

Write a paragraph that describes the adventures of a water molecule as it becomes a snowflake within a cloud.

Write a paragraph to describe the adventures of a water molecule as it becomes a snowflake within a cloud and travels through the atmosphere to eventually land on the snowboard measuring device.


Questions/Comments regarding the GLOBE Program
GLOBE is supported by NASA, NSF and the US Dept. of State.

Page last updated on March 11, 2002