National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission

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Final Report - Volume III: Section 5 - Field Hearings

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Vehicle Traffic Information Coalition

Testimony before the
National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue National Study Commission
National Hearing
Washington, D.C.
March 19, 2007

VTIC: Vision and Purpose


Every road enabled to deliver real-time traffic data at high quality & low cost


To promote the creation, collection and availability of high quality, real-time traffic data for travelers everywhere

VTIC formed to address traveler demand for real-time traffic information

  • Business opportunities obvious
  • Government needs greater focus
  • Technology evolution accelerating
  • Commercial solution requires data from all roads
  • Benefits for fuel energy savings seen as new market
  • Solutions available today

VTIC: The Opportunities

  • Public private partnerships receiving renewed attention
  • Potential to improve fuel efficiency is enormous...Up to 10%
  • VII has promise in the long term
  • Collection capabilities must include all roads to be effective

VTIC: Recommendations (Short term)

  • Enthusiastic support for the Real-Time Traffic elements of the Administration's $175 million Highway Congestion Initiative.
  • Leverage federal investments with state and local commitments to provide real-time traffic data.
  • Review successes nationally/internationally:
    • ITIP, energy credits of the 70s, VICS, RDS-TMC
  • Increase funding for TTID Part 2 real-time data program
  • Coordinate regional workshops with interested parties (public & private) to promote awareness and capabilities: VTIC, NACo, AASHTO, NGA
  • Accelerate determination of benefits to mobility, fuel
  • Commission should make recommendations on standards for state and local reporting to FHWA

VTIC: Recommendations (Longer Term)

  • Real-time traffic data must be part of the planning and construction of transportation and transit infrastructure
  • Accelerate deployment of early VII probe projects
  • Full integration of information
  • Liberation of data to empower drivers

VTIC: Conclusions

  • Real Time Traffic can make a Difference!
  • Its Use Contributes to:
    • Better Health
    • Cleaner Environment
    • Higher Fuel Efficiencies
    • Lower Cost of Consumer Goods
    • Improved Traveler Mobility