National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission

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Final Report - Volume III: Section 4 - Public Sessions and Outreach Meetings

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Highway Trust Fund

Cash Balances

Estimating Cash Balances

Beginning Year Cash Balance
+ Receipts
= End of Year Cash Balance

Factors in Determining the Cash Balance

  • Estimated obligations are based on the obligation limitations established by SAFETEA-LU
  • Outlays are derived from the estimated obligations
  • Estimated receipts are calculated by the Department of Treasury

Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund

  • The Highway Account balance is calculated based upon estimated outlays from:
    • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
    • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
    • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund

  • The Mass Transit Account balance is calculated based upon outlays from the:
    • Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Estimated Cash Balances: Highway Account of the HTF

Estimated Cash Balances: Highway Account of the HTF

Estimated Cash Balances: Mass Transit Account of the HTF

Estimated Cash Balances: Mass Transit Account of the HTF

Why are the Cash Balances Expected to Decline?

  • We are spending more than we take in:
    • Between 2001-2004, outlays exceeded receipts by $2-4 billion each year
    • Estimated outlays for FY 2007 - FY 2009 exceed estimated receipts by more than $3 billion each year.
    • FY 2005 and FY 2006 outlays are level with receipts
  • The funding levels set by SAFETEA-LU were set with the intention of "spending down"the balance in the Highway Account.

Negative Balances

  • A negative balance reflects the gap between estimated future spending and estimated future receipts.
  • A sustained negative balance in our estimates reflects what will happen if future spending is continued at SAFETEA-LU levels.
  • This gap indicates the timeframe during which a solution needs to be identified

Would all spending stop if the Highway Trust Fund ran out of cash?

  • No. Spending on programs would continue as new receipts are received.
  • New receipts would continue to be available to cover current obligations.

How Accurate is this Estimate?

What we know:

  • Highway Trust Fund cash balances will go negative within the next few years under current conditions.
  • We do not expect that out-year highway spending could be maintained at SAFETEA-LU levels, given predicted revenue trends.
  • The declining trend in the Mass Transit Account indicates that it is at risk as well.

What is less certain:

  • When this will happen.
  • Fluctuations in revenues and/or spending patterns will impact timing.
  • Estimates can vary from actual results by more than $1 billion.