California Department of Mental Health

Right Column

These detailed mental illness prevalence estimates are provided through a contract with Charles Holzer, Ph.D., of the University of Texas, Medical Branch. They provide more demographic detail concerning the seriously mentally ill, living in households, than has been previously posted. These prevalence estimates are provided as cross tables, crossing county, age, gender, race/ethnicity and a measure of poverty. We have posted these tables to facilitate Mental Health Services Act funding applications, or for other planning purposes.

Simple prevalence rates, broken down by age, or gender, or race/ethnicity, or poverty level for a particular county can be accessed by clicking on the name of the county, listed in the left hand column of the Total Population table. More detailed demographic sub-groupings for the household population are provided under the Demographics link. Finally, SMI prevalence rates for the same array of demographic sub-groupings, for the population living “Under 200% of Poverty” is provided.

Please keep in mind that these prevalence rates are estimates that were calculated by applying prediction weights, developed from previous nationally prominent survey studies, to California county population demographics. Thus the rates should be understood as reasonable estimates of serious mental illness prevalence rates, rather than counts of actual individuals. For those who wish to read analytical details of Dr. Holzer’s estimation methodology, links are provided to his website.

If you have questions about these tables, please contact Tom Wilson, DMH Statistics & Data Analysis, Epidemiology Unit (916) 653-4608.

Updated (January 2006) and Detailed Prevalence Rates:

Series P5 Estimates of Need for California
Total Population SMI
Demographics SMI
Under 200% of Poverty SMI