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News & Events

Minneapolis City offices closed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Jan. 19 (1/16)

City Hall Rotunda is host to Obama mosaic tile exhibit (1/15)

Minneapolis ranks as one of the fittest cities in the nation (1/15)

Information for people who received a citation under the City’s Stop on Red Ordinance (1/14)

City Hall hosts Jan. 14 presentation on biking policy in northern Europe (1/13)

Understanding Minneapolis’ annual budget (1/9)

New Minneapolis Advantage funding offers aid to home buyers (1/8)

Nominate a block club or youth volunteer for Building Blocks and Ruhland police awards (1/7)

Do your part this winter – keep your sidewalks clear of snow and ice(12/30)

Minneapolis crime numbers down for second year in a row (12/23)

City officials respond to Governor's cuts to local governments (12/19)


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What's happening today: Learn the rules about parking during a Snow Emergency

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