Sidy Sissoko

Sidy Sissoko is an expert in democracy and human rights and a civil society specialist based in Senegal. He uses dgCommunities both for his research and his personal interests. According to Sissoko, “dgCommunities is a good opportunity for all development actors to keep abreast of new trends and practices and involve them in the development process."

Welcome to dgCommunities

dgCommunities is a collaborative space for professionals working to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development worldwide. Share knowledge, tools, contacts, and more with members in 200 countries. Each online community is centered on specific themes and guided by experts in the field. Thousands of information resource links are included, plus valuable member services.

Development Effectiveness
› Aid Effectiveness
› Capacity Development
› Civil Society
› Glocalization
› Governance

Human Development
› Culture and Development
› Gender and Development
› Indigenous Issues
› Youth for Development

› Environment and Development
› Urban Development
› Water Resources Management

Health and Nutrition
› Food Security
› Population and Reproductive Health

› E-learning
› Open Educational Resources

Economic Development
› Business Environment
› Foreign Direct Investment
› Knowledge Economy
› Microfinance
› Poverty
› Trade and Development

Technology and Development
› E-government
› Information and Communication
  Technologies for Development

› Nanotechnology for Development

Disaster and Conflict
› Disaster Prevention & Response
› Stabilization & Reconstruction
› Afghanistan Reconstruction
› Iraq: Relief and Recovery

Regional Interest
› Arab Reform
› China Poverty Relief Forum