About the Road Show

The Face Your Finances Road Show Celebrates 75 Years of Service to
American Consumers

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and to demonstrate its ongoing commitment to consumers, FDIC Chairman Sheila C. Bair is launching the Face Your Finances road show. The initiative was announced on June 16, 2008, at the anniversary launch in Washington, D.C. Chairman Bair will travel to Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Kansas City and New York City. In each city, she will meet with community leaders to discuss deposit insurance, what it means to be an FDIC-insured institution, the costs and benefits of banking services, and the consumer protections resulting from federal regulation of the banking industry. Panel discussions will also address bank services as they relate to building assets and accessing mainstream credit services, including mortgage loans.

The discussions are intended to elicit information that can be used in financial literacy initiatives and informational materials.

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Face Your Finances Road Show - We're Coming to a City Near You!


July 16, 2008

San Francisco

July 22, 2008


September 10, 2008

New York City

September 19, 2008

Kansas City