America.Gov Latest Items from Washington Washington Prepares to Host Record-Sized Inaugural Crowd Washington is used to hosting big political events, but even lifelong residents of the nation’s capital are expecting Barack Obama’s inauguration to be like nothing they have seen before. Record crowds are expected to watch the first African-American president be sworn into office and give an inaugural address. 2009-01-15 03:01 United States Begins Moving Peacekeeping Equipment to Darfur The U.S. Air Force has begun airlifting Rwandan peacekeeping equipment and supplies from Kigali to the Darfur region of Sudan as part of the U.N.-African Union peacekeeping mission. Two airlift missions were completed January 14, the U.S. Africa Command headquarters says. 2009-01-15 04:01 Americans Urged to Do Volunteer Work on Martin Luther King Day President-elect Obama calls on Americans to join his family on Martin Luther King Day in volunteering for a community service project, and to use the holiday as a springboard to an ongoing commitment to their communities. “It’s going to be up to all of us to renew America together,” says Michelle Obama. 2009-01-15 04:01 Internet Becoming Battleground for Journalists Online journalists increasingly are being intimidated or jailed by governments seeking to silence dissent as the power and influence of the Internet strengthens. talks with representatives of global press freedom advocacy groups about the growing problem and ways to combat it. 2009-01-15 03:01 Bush Legacy in Africa is Comprehensive Partnership The State Department’s top Africa official, Jendayi Frazer, says U.S. policy for the past eight years has been based on a “very solid, comprehensive and holistic” foundation of partnership that has improved the health and lives of Africans. In an interview, Frazer looks at the Bush administration legacy in Africa. 2009-01-15 03:01