Regions: Middle East and North Africa Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:12:26 -0500 <![CDATA[United States, Israel Working to End Arms Smuggling into Gaza]]> Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:06:21 -0500 The United States and Israel have reached agreement on security measures that will eventually help bring a durable cease-fire to the Gaza crisis, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says. The agreement includes provisions for monitors to help stem arms and explosives smuggling into Gaza.

<![CDATA[United States, United Arab Emirates Sign Civil Nuclear Accord]]> Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:38:23 -0500 The United Arab Emirates chose to import nuclear fuel for its reactors to produce electric energy rather than develop expensive and proliferation-sensitive uranium enrichment and reprocessing, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “This is a powerful and timely model for the world and the region.”

<![CDATA[Counterterrorism Should Top Obama Security Agenda, Bush Says]]> Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:44:51 -0500 Preventing terrorists from staging another attack on American soil may be the most urgent security challenge facing President-elect Barack Obama, says President Bush. “I wish him all the best. The stakes are high,” Bush says in his farewell press conference as president.

<![CDATA[Presidential Transition Offers Opportunity to Build Bridges]]> Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:26:16 -0500 Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, relations with Iran and Pakistan and North Korean nuclear disarmament will dominate the new Obama administration’s early foreign-policy focus. But the global issues of proliferation, climate change and food security will compete for the new president’s attention.

<![CDATA[U.S. Supports Egyptian Mediation Efforts between Israel, Hamas]]> Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:20:26 -0500 The United States supports Egyptian mediation efforts to end the current crisis between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and also supports a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in the conflict. The Security Council voted January 8 for the cease-fire resolution.

<![CDATA[United States Welcomes Gaza Cease-Fire Proposal]]> Wed, 07 Jan 2009 18:00:31 -0500 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joins Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and members of the Arab League in welcoming a new cease-fire proposal aimed at defusing the conflict between Hamas militants and Israel in the Gaza Strip.

<![CDATA[United States Proposes Three Elements in a Gaza Cease-Fire Plan]]> Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:19:36 -0500 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is working on three elements of a plan that could lead to a “sustainable, durable cease-fire” between the Israelis and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a State Department spokesman says.

<![CDATA[World Must Stay Engaged to Stop Gaza Violence, U.S. Says]]> Wed, 31 Dec 2008 14:12:50 -0500 U.S. leaders are reaching out to their counterparts in the Middle East and elsewhere in the international community in their efforts to achieve a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. The United States and the international community are not daunted by the task of bringing a halt to the violence.

<![CDATA[Palestinian Refugee Agency to Receive $85 Million in U.S. Aid]]> Tue, 30 Dec 2008 18:03:43 -0500 The United States announces it is contributing $85 million in humanitarian aid to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, as Bush administration officials continue calling on Israel and Hamas to agree to a durable cease-fire.

<![CDATA[U.S. Working for “Sustainable and Durable” Cease-Fire in Gaza]]> Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:30:43 -0500 Responding to violence in the Middle East, the United States calls on Hamas and Israel to avoid civilian casualties, but says Hamas violated the six-month cease-fire and Israel has a right to protect its citizens. U.S. officials are working actively to create a “sustainable and durable” cease-fire.

<![CDATA[Saudi Arabian Scientist Works to Empower Women]]> Wed, 24 Dec 2008 13:26:35 -0500 Hayat Sindi is a Saudi Arabian scientist who co-founded Diagnostics For All, a nonprofit company developing diagnostic medical kits for the developing world. talks with Sindi about her motivation to help others and how she is empowering women to succeed in science.

<![CDATA[MasterCard Debit Card Services Introduced in Iraq]]> Tue, 23 Dec 2008 18:44:55 -0500 Iraq's economic development has progressed to the point that MasterCard is introducing debit card services into the country's private banking system. The Treasury Department has automated and integrated 150 bank branches throughout Iraq with complete linkage to international financial networks.

<![CDATA[Middle East Peace Process Has Made Progress, Bush Says]]> Fri, 19 Dec 2008 16:32:53 -0500 President Bush, after meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Washington, acknowledges that peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians have been “a hard challenge,” but says the talks, though not completed, “have made a good deal of progress.”

<![CDATA[Arab States Share International Concerns About Nuclear Iran]]> Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:19:43 -0500 Iran’s neighbors share the international community’s growing concerns about the country’s controversial nuclear ambitions, says Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, adding that Tehran’s refusal to join negotiations continues to deepen Iran’s isolation. “The Iranians are paying real costs,” she says.

<![CDATA[Annapolis Process for Mideast Peace Garners Strong Support]]> Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:15:45 -0500 Palestinian and Israeli negotiators have made considerable progress since restarting peace talks at the Annapolis Conference in 2007, says Secretary of State Rice, who joins partners from the United Nations, the European Union and Russia to urged both sides to redouble their efforts for a two-state solution.

<![CDATA[Bush Makes Surprise Farewell Visits to Iraq, Afghanistan]]> Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:56:30 -0500 President Bush welcomes progress in Iraq and Afghanistan in a surprise farewell visit to the region and underlines America’s enduring commitment to the success of both emerging democracies under his successor. “I am of a different political party than President-elect Obama. But I want him to succeed,” he says.

<![CDATA[Senate Report Examines Detainee Abuses]]> Fri, 12 Dec 2008 16:20:17 -0500 A U.S. congressional report indicates that abuse of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, has compromised the moral authority and credibility of the United States in thwarting global terrorism.

<![CDATA[Blackwater Indictments Show America’s Commitment to Rule of Law]]> Thu, 11 Dec 2008 08:33:22 -0500 The Justice Department brings criminal charges against five American private security contractors following a 2007 incident in Baghdad. “Those who engage in unprovoked and illegal attacks on civilians, whether during times of conflict or times of peace, will be held accountable,” says a Justice Department official.

<![CDATA[Song by Iranian Star Strikes Chord at Obama Victory Celebration]]> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 08:29:40 -0500 A song that Persian pop star Farshid Amin wrote about change caught the eyes and ears of the Democratic Party in Orange County, California. Obama campaign organizers invited the singer to perform “Pray with Me,” written after an unexpected meeting on an airplane, at the party’s election night celebration.

<![CDATA[Manama Security Conference to Focus on Regional Issues]]> Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:56:24 -0500 The main focus of the annual Manama Dialogue regional security conference in Bahrain will be on the regional balance of power, economic security, the role of the United States in the region and the changing security architecture, conference planners say.

<![CDATA[United States Hails Iraqi Ratification of Security Pact]]> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 09:28:39 -0500 The Iraqi government ratifies a U.S.-Iraqi security agreement calling for a full withdrawal of American forces from the country by the end of 2011, along with a companion agreement shaping the future of relations between Washington and Baghdad. The accord will go into force by January 1, 2009.

<![CDATA[Saudi Arabia, United States Sign Science Technology Pact]]> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:33:17 -0500 Building on a history of cooperation, the United States and Saudi Arabia sign an agreement to increase science and technology capacity in the Middle East. Assistant Secretary of State Claudia McMurray outlines the ways in which the agreement will benefit the region.

<![CDATA[Envoy Schulte on Nonproliferation Safeguards Agreements in Syria]]> Thu, 27 Nov 2008 16:08:37 -0500 Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte, permanent U.S. representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), delivers remarks at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna on Syria.

<![CDATA[American Family Appeals to Iran for Answers on Missing Man]]> Mon, 24 Nov 2008 17:34:08 -0500 As Americans look forward to celebrating the holidays with their loved ones, a Florida family struggles for answers about the whereabouts of one of their own — Robert Levinson, an American businessman whose March 2007 disappearance in Iran remains shrouded in mystery.

<![CDATA[U.S. Court Orders Release of Five Guantánamo Bay Detainees]]> Fri, 21 Nov 2008 15:18:45 -0500 A federal judge determines that the United States lacks adequate legal evidence to hold five Algerians as detainees in the detention facility at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and orders their immediate release. The Bosnian government has agreed to accept the five men.

<![CDATA[Ambassador Schulte Remarks on U.N. Agency Probe of Iran, Syria]]> Fri, 21 Nov 2008 16:09:14 -0500 Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte, permanent U.S. representative to the IAEA in Vienna, delivers remarks on Director General Mohamed ElBaradei’s report on the IAEA’s investigation of Iran and Syria.

<![CDATA[Bush Calls Qadhafi to Praise Settlement Agreement]]> Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:46:52 -0500 A telephone call between President Bush and a world leader is a common enough event to not merit much attention, but when the president called Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi November 17 it represents a remarkable turnaround in U.S.-Libyan relations.

<![CDATA[New Jordanian Movie Makes History]]> Tue, 18 Nov 2008 10:23:11 -0500 Writer-director Amin Matalqa was in Washington to talk about his first movie, Captain Abu Raed. The movie is also a first for Jordan — its first movie in 50 years and its first submission to the Academy Awards. The film was screened as part of the Arabian Sights Film Festival on November 1 and 2.

<![CDATA[Palestinian Youth Center Shows U.S. Commitment to Mideast Peace]]> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:20:28 -0500 The U.S.-Palestinian Partnership is helping prepare a new generation of leaders essential to the successful creation of a Palestinian state, an undertaking that the State Department’s James Glassman says shows “the solid and continuing commitment of the United States government to the Palestinian people.”

<![CDATA[Researchers Discuss Empowering Scientists in the Arab World]]> Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:43:56 -0500 Forty researchers of Arab descent meet on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience to discuss ways to empower Arab scientists and promote neuroscience in the Middle East. talks with some of the scientists about their aspirations and concerns.
