Expand ICASS TDY Policy Window ICASS TDY Policy

TDY Policy:  The new chapter for the ICASS Handbook entitled "Official Visits and TDY" has been approved and posted to the ICASS Handbook website.  This chapter includes guidance on handling all costs related to official visits as well as detailed information related to the new thresholds of seven days and $500.  These thresholds are important for those posts that use the optional ICASS TDY module.  Please remember that all posts must have an updated TDY policy posted on eCC, even if post elects not to use the TDY module and will only direct charge TDYers for costs that must be borne by the traveler.  But posting the policy is particularly important for those that use the ICASS TDY module; if an up-to-date policy is not available on eCC your TDY invoices will not be processed.

The new chapter includes all the information and guidance that was covered in the three cables sent to the field in the summer and fall of 2008, plus some additional, clarifying information.  If you have any questions on the policy, please contact icassservicecenter@state.gov. 

6 FAH-5 H-360 Official Visits and Temporary Duty (TDY)

TDY Policy Guidance 2009

TDY Policy Guidance 2008