California Department of Mental Health

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Proposed Regulations | Existing Regulations

The California Department of Mental Health (DMH) is governed by statutes (state laws) that were passed by the California Legislature.  Those statutes give DMH the authority to issue regulations.  Regulations are rules that set out the requirements and procedures DMH uses to implement, interpret, or make more specific the statutes that govern the department.  Legally adopted regulations filed with the Secretary of State have the same force of law as statutes passed by the California Legislature. Subscribe to receive DMH notices of rulemaking.


Learn how to participate pdficon in California’s rulemaking process. Submit comments on these DMH proposed regulations via email or U.S. Mail, addressed to:

Office of Regulations
California Department of Mental Health
1600 9th Street, Room 435
Sacramento, CA 95814

  1. MHSA Workforce Education and Training
  2. Authorization for Out-Of-Plan Services
  3. Mental Health Services Act – Two
    On December 29, 2006 the original package of Mental Health Services Act regulations (MHSA – 1) was repealed in its entirety. In its place a new rulemaking package (MHSA – 2) was adopted and is now in effect. These regulations expand on Title 9, Chapter 14, Articles 1 through 4 and add Article 5, Reporting Requirements and Article 6, Community Services and Supports. 


The California Department of Mental Health Laws and Regulations 2008 Edition with CD-ROM and Index is now available!

The California Department of Mental Health is pleased to present the 2008 edition of the California Mental Health Laws and Regulations. Its purpose is to provide a convenient resource for the government and private sectors, mental health professionals, attorneys, clients, advocates, and the general public to identify California's mental health statutes and regulations.

All rights reserved. The California Department of Mental Health and its publisher Thomson-West/Barclays have created this publication to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. The citations are excerpts from the statutes and regulations and every effort has been made to reproduce an all-inclusive listing. This publication is an information tool only. For absolute accuracy, please reference the publications of the official statutes and regulations for the complete text.

Neither the DMH nor its publisher is engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice, and this publication is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal or other advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional.

Price: $59.00 + $5.75 S&H

To order, call Thomson-West/Barclays Publishers at 1-800-888-3600.

DISCLAIMER: The documents contained on these pages are facsimiles of the rulemaking records produced at the time the regulations were promulgated. For the most up-to-date and accurate information refer to the hardcopy or online publications of the Office of Administrative Law.