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Arabian Gulf Spills

Persian Gulf, Kuwait
Subject Report - Situation
Posting Date 1991-Apr-13

Uncontrolled Sources of Oil in Kuwait  From all uncontained sources, an estimated 3,000
bbls/day continue to enter the Gulf.  The range is 1,500 bbls/day to 6,000 bbls/day.  This
estimate is consistent with the observations of "new" oil showing rainbow sheen to the
north of As-Sabahiyah and the oil dull gray sheen, mousse, and tar balls streaming south.
Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery Complex • Oil storage tanks, containment areas, pipelines,
manifolds and valves have all been damaged, allowing oil to flow down natural drainage
channels and sewers into the Gulf.  • The North Pier suffered damage to shipping pumps and
shore approach valves (emergency shut off valves) located at the foot of the pier.  Black
oil is leaking into the Gulf from storm drains and natural runoff areas around the pier.
• The South Pier suffered damage to the pipe rack near the foot of the pier.  These
gravity-feed pipes are hanging into the water and leaking black oil which is streaming out
both sides of the pier.  • The pump station/mixing and manifolding area for the Sea Island
Loading Platform is just north of the South Pier approach, in the area of the LPG plant.
This manifold received extensive battle damage.  • Diked areas around tanks near the shore
and tanks on the escarpment south of the town of Al-Ahmadi as well as natural channels and
storm drains were full of black oil which is flowing toward the Gulf.  The oil drainage
from these damaged tanks and releases from the pipe rack on KOC's south pier could
increase or change at anytime.  Recommendation Consider initiating operations to remove
oil from the Gulf at the source until the Gulf.  The range is 1,500 bbls/day to 6,000
bbls/day.  This estimate is damages at the facility can be repaired, and the oil release
terminated.  The ongoing release of oil from sources in the Mina Al-Ahmadi terminal area
will require observation flights of at least weekly.