Keyword Search

Enter Search Term(s) 




The smart keyword search compares your search term(s) to associated terms in the database. For example, a smart keyword search on “alcohol” would also perform the search on related terms such as “alcohol abuse,” “alcoholism,” “substance abuse,” and “illegal drug.” (Boolean operators are not supported in the smart keyword search)

The basic keyword search retrieves reports containing exactly the terms identified and does not retrieve reports on related terms. If a basic keyword search yield zero reports or if you would like to conduct a more detailed search, it is recommended that you perform a smart keyword search.

Boolean operators can be used to join words together. For example, older adj adults and exercise will retrieve physical activity reports about older adults and Hispanic and adults will retrieve any reports about that population. A search using Boolean operators instead of a single search term may yield fewer results.  Boolean operators are only supported in the basic keyword search.