Home   Legal Services Corporation Office of Inspector General
Updated: 23 October 2008

Inspector General Reform Act of 2008. 10/14/2008 [PDF 67K]
Link to: Inspector General Act (as amended)
Legal Services Corporation Act. 49K
Legal Services Corporation Appropriations Acts & Conference Reports FY1996-2007. [PDF] 176K
Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005:
H.R. 3402 (Pub. L. 109-162) 1/5/2006. [PDF 445K]
Section 104 excerpted [PDF 30K]("ensuring crime victim access to legal services") amends section 502 of LSC appropriations act.
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000. [PDF] 152K
Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of 1997. 27K
Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986. 296K
LSC Regulations (45 CFR Part 1600 to 1644). 03/2005. 14K

URL: https://oig.lsc.gov/legis/legis.htm
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