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Home > About FDIC > Doing Business with the FDIC > Contractor Resource List

Contractor Resource List

FDIC maintains a Contractor Resource List of potential contractors to assist with work related to failing financial institutions and associated requirements. FDIC will use information from the Contractor Resource List, as well as other sources, when developing solicitation lists for future contract requirements. Please be aware that the numbers of firms that are marketing to do business with FDIC is significant. FDIC does not guarantee that all firms that submit a corporate capabilities statement will be included in future requests for proposals. If you are interested in being included on the Contractor Resource List, please submit your corporate capabilities to the following e-mail address: procurementopportunities@fdic.gov.

Please include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Description of services (in 20 words or less)
  • Address
  • Point of contact
  • Phone/fax/email
  • Years of experience
  • Business size classification and Minority or Women Owned status
  • Website

Also, please identify which of the four categories of work apply to your company:

  • Brokerage, Marketing and/or Property Management Services
  • Appraisal Services
  • Asset and/or Portfolio Management Services
  • Financial and/or Consulting Services

You may also send any other information about you or your company’s capabilities as an attachment to the email.
A representative of the Acquisition Services Branch will confirm that your information was received.
Questions may be directed to David Manion at (703) 562-2211 or Elizabeth Walker at (703) 562-6295.


Last Updated 11/12/2008 procurementopportunities@fdic.gov

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