Transcription-Coupled mRNA Export


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Air date: Wednesday, March 17, 2004, 3:00:00 PM
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Description: Gene expression is a coordinated multi-step process that begins with transcription and RNA processing in the nucleus followed by mRNA export to the cytoplasm for translation. Recent studies in yeast suggested a link between transcription and mRNA export. A complex, designated the TREX complex, is a key mediator in coupling transcription elongation to mRNA export. In support of this conclusion, our data show that the TREX complex is recruited to actively transcribed genes where this complex travels with the elongating polymerase along the entire length of the gene. Thus, the TREX complex plays a conserved role in loading the mRNA export machinery onto pre-mRNAs. Moreover, we identified a new protein, Sus1, that also functions in both transcription and mRNA export.

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Ed Hurt

NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
Author: Ed Hurt, Ph.D., Leibnitz Laureate Heidelberg University, Germany
Runtime: 60 minutes
Rights: This is a work of the United States Government. No copyright exists on this material. It may be disseminated freely.
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