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Presidential Message on Strengthening Social Security

Presidential Message on Social Security

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Video Video: Presidential Message on Social Security

President George W. Bush greets Millie Martinez, right, and Ida Gonzalez at Bear Canyon Senior Center in Albuquerque, Tuesday, March 22, 2005, as he took his Conversation for Strengthening Social Security into New Mexico. The president reassured the approximately 30 breakfast guests that those born before 1950 will be unaffected by proposed reforms to the program. White House photo by Eric Draper.

In his State of the Union Address, President Bush outlined for the nation his vision to strengthen and save Social Security.

The President’s plan calls for reforms that would keep Social Security's promises for today's seniors and those near retirement; solve the financial problems of the current system once and for all; and make Social Security a better deal for younger workers by allowing them to set aside part of their payroll taxes in voluntary personal retirement accounts.

Thanks in large part to the President’s leadership and courage, the national discussion is now focused on the serious problems facing Social Security. Americans understand that the current system won’t be there for their children and grandchildren. They understand that action needs to be taken now to keep the promise of Social Security alive.

President Bush has made it clear that all options are on the table for strengthening Social Security, with the exception of raising the payroll tax rate.

The President has pledged to work in good faith with members of Congress from both parties on this issue. He knows that reforming Social Security will not be easy – but the Administration is committed to strengthening the system for the sake of the next generation.

U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Public Affairs  |  FirstGov  |  Last Updated: November 15, 2005