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Three Mile Island - Unit 2

1.0 Site Identification

Location: Middletown, PA
License No.: DPR-73
Docket No.: 50-320
License Status: Possession Only License
Project Manager: Kristina Banovac

2.0 Site Status Summary

The Three Mile Island, Unit 2 (TMI-2) operating license was issued on February 8, 1978, and commercial operation was declared on December 30, 1978. On March 28, 1979, the unit experienced an accident which resulted in severe damage to the reactor core. TMI-2 has been in a non-operating status since that time. The licensee conducted a substantial program to defuel the reactor vessel and decontaminate the facility. All spent fuel has been removed except for some debris in the nuclear steam supply system. The plant defueling was completed in April 1990. The removed fuel is currently in storage at Idaho National Laboratory, and the U.S. Department of Energy has taken title and possession of the fuel. TMI-2 has been defueled and decontaminated to the extent the plant is in a safe, inherently stable condition suitable for long-term management. This long-term management condition is termed post-defueling monitored storage, which was approved in 1993. There is no significant dismantlement underway. The plant shares equipment with the operating TMI - Unit 1. TMI-1 was sold to AmerGen in 1999. GPU Nuclear retains the license for TMI-2 and is owned by FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company. GPU contracts with AmerGen for maintenance and surveillance activities. The licensee plans to actively decommission TMI-2 in parallel with the decommissioning of TMI-1.

The current radiological decommissioning cost estimate is $805 million and $27 million for non-radiological funds. The current amount in the decommissioning trust fund is $601 million, as of December 31, 2007.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues


4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


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Thursday, November 13, 2008