A Botanic Garden for the Nation

A Botanic Garden for the Nation: the United States Botanic Garden

Description: This beautifully illustrated book presents the first comprehensive look at the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C. Conceived by the nation’s founders as a resource for collecting and studying plants, the U.S. Botanic Garden is closely linked to the history and development of the capital city. Through historical documents and colorful photos, A Botanic Garden for the Nation tells an important story about this special place. Through sumptuous photographs, it offers a tour of the Conservatory, starting with the formal Garden Court, with its fountains and special flower collections, and continuing through every plant environment, including the lush Jungle, colorful Orchid House, and spare World Deserts. The engaging text explores ecosystems and reveals details about interesting plants and plant collections.

Botanic Garden for the Nation: the United States Botanic Garden Publisher: Congress, Architect of the Capitol, United States Botanic Garden 2007. Hardback. Year/Pages: 2007: 180 p.; ill. Price: $69.00

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