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NACO Network of Care

NACBHDD is the only national voice for county and local behavioral health and developmental disability authorities in Washington, DC. Through education, policy analysis, and advocacy, NACBHDD brings the unique perspective of our members to Congress and the Executive Branch and promotes national policies that recognize and support the critical role counties play in caring for people affected by mental illness, addiction, and developmental disabilities.

NACBHDD is also an active partner in efforts to improve access to, funding for, and quality of behavioral health services, especially those that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. Key issues include: protecting Medicaid coverage, ending the stigma of mental illness, better treatment for veterans, achieving parity in insurance coverage for behavioral health care, affordable housing and vocational training for those with mental illness or developmental disabilities, and many more.


Virginia Member Reports on SAMHSA Advisory Council's First-Ever
Strategic Planning Meeting

George Braunstein, currently Executive Director, Chesterfield Community Services Board, in Chesterfield, Virginia (see following article on Braunstein's new position), attended his second meeting of the National Advisory Council of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) on September 8 and 9. The National Advisory Council advises and makes recommendations to the Administrator of SAMHSA and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about agency activities and policies.

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Legislative News

October 3, 2008
Mental Health Parity Passes!

Moments ago the House passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 that includes the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act. This action clears the legislation for the President's signature.

Thank you for all of your work on this issue. This has been a long campaign to pass parity and your work helped complete this before Congress adjourns.

The Mental Health Liaison Group issued a memo containing links to the bill and the recorded votes. Read more.

DC Update - October 2, 2008

Congress delayed their target adjournment date of September 26th due to the current economic/financial environment.

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HOLD THE DATES!  March 9-11, 2009 - NACBHDD's 2009 Legislative and Policy Conference will be held at the Churchill Hotel in Washington, DC.  

The 2009 Legislative and Policy Conference is a not-to-be-missed event!  As a new President, new Executive Agency Directors and a new Congress begin their work, you will have the opportunity to hear from representatives of key federal agencies, Congress, national organizations and other leaders in the fields of behavioral health and developmental disabilities. We will spend time on Capitol Hill and meet with Members of Congress and key Congressional staff. 

Conference and hotel registration information will be posted soon. 

The Nation's Capital is the place to be in March 2009.  Plan to join us and make your voice heard.