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Hurricane Rita (General)

Subject NOAA OR&R's Hurricane Rita response: morning report for 24 Sept
Posting Date 2005-Sep-24

NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration Morning Report for 9/24/05   Hurricane Rita 

* The Scientific Support Team in Austin is developing and maintaining a situation map 
and coordinating with other Incident Command System functions to maintain the common 
operational picture for the entire Joint Field Office.  Components of the operational 
picture include maritime situational awareness for tracking waterways closures, lost 
ATONs (Aids to Navigation), non-functional tide gauges, and obstructions. 

* Plans for deployment of forward teams for assessing damage are continuing to be 
developed in Austin.  Houston has been identified as a possible site for the forward 

* Pre-incident aerial photography from NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey has been 
processed and sent to HAZMAT (Office of Response and Restoration) for additional post 
processing and use in assessment activities.  In addition to other satellite resources, 
HAZMAT is working with the NOAA Environmental Satelite, Data, & Information Service to 
acquire RADARSAT imagery for post-Hurricane assessments. 

* The Scientific Support Coordinator continues coordinating with the Navigation Response 
Teams, Charting Office, National Weather Service, and NOAA's Center for Operational 
Oceanographic Products and Services. Working on getting tasking orders for further NOAA 