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Superior Conquer

East matagorda Island, TX
Subject Summary
Posting Date 2000-Nov-16

Update 21 November 2000
        The situation remains status quo.  Salvage efforts are expected to begin tomorrow
(Wednesday).  The USCG has request an updated trajectory for the approaching holiday.
With the change in wind direction, the shoreline is currently at a greater risk.  With
onshore winds, any release will impact the coastline relatively quickly.  USFWS has been
notified due to the possibility of piping plovers in the area (see initial hotline' RAR
report).  Since the vessel appears relatively stable, there is a high probability that the
salvage operation will remove the threat of a pollution release.  To date, no pollution
has been observed.  The NOAA SSC will continue to monitor the situation and update the oil
spill trajectory as needed.