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Mystery Oil Spill3

Pompano Beach, Florida
Subject NOAA Activities
Posting Date 1988-Sep-29

NOAA/OMA was notified of the incident on September 29, 1988, by the Coast Guard MSO,
Miami, and asked to provide a weather forecast and information on the spill's expected
shoreline impacts.  NOAA indicated that the weather would remain very much the same (winds
from the northeast at 10 knots) through the night and shift to easterly at 10-15 knots on
Friday.  The slick would continue to drift toward shore, break up, and hit the beach
sometime during the night in the form streamers of oil and tar balls.  The area of impact
would depend on the nearshore currents, but should be in the area from Hillsboro Inlet
south for 2 to 2.5 miles.