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BP Pipeline Spill

Mississippi River Delta
Subject Report - Weather
Posting Date 1998-Oct-01

1220 CDT, Thursday October 1, 1998

Sunrise(10/1): 0547
Sunset(10/1):  2021

Sunrise(10/2): 0547
Sunset(10/2):  2021

36 Hour Forecast:
Today, the winds are expected to be variable with a northerly component at 5 knots .
Tonight, variable winds with a southerly component at 5 knots are predicted.  Friday,
variable winds with a SE component at 5-10 knots are forecast.

Today through Friday, the seas are predicted to be 0-1 feet.

Today through Friday, no precipitation is expected.

Today through Friday, partly cloudy skies are predicted.  Visibility is forecast to be

The temperatures are expected to range from highs in the 90's to lows in the 80's.

Extended Forecast:
Saturday through Sunday, the winds are expected to be variable with a northerly component
at less than 10 knots.  Seas 0-1 feet.  Partly cloudy skies.  No precipitation is expected
for this extended forecast.

Weather Contact:  Marc Hodges - Ph# (206) 526-6317