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Chesapeake Bay
Subject Report - Trajectory
Posting Date 1988-Aug-24

few comments on the latest confirmed sightings we received from you (via the Coast Guard).
As we understand, there are 4 confirmed sightings:  1) 0910 EDT 1 x 1.5 mile patch of
thick oil at approximately    37 55'N, 76 09.4'W(between Smith Is. and Smith Pt.)  2) 0910
EDT blotches of sheen at approximately 38 30'N,   76 23'W (near the Little Choptank River)
3) 1200 EDT line of oil approximately 1 x 4 miles extending from    approx. 37 57'N, 76
05'W to 37 52'N, 76 08'W  4) >1200EDT 3 mile a side diamond shaped patch approx. 1/2
mile NE of Smith Pt.  and a fifth unconfirmed sighting of oil patches on the beach
extending from the Patuxent River to Annapolis.  Sightings 1, 3 and 4 can be reconciled
with the physical processes we would expect to be influencing the distribution of the oil
if the barge was leaking on its transit south from Baltimore. It is not impossible that
the second sighting (off the Little Choptank) is oil from the barge in question, however,
it is also very possible that the sheen may be an organic sheen associated with biological
activity or sheen from another source.  We would strongly recommend a ground-truth of the
unconfirmed beach impact between the Patuxent and Annapolis.  The surface wind information
we have indicates a more westerly component of the wind, which would not favor a beach
impact on the western side of the bay.  It is important for us to know if the reported oil
can be confirmed so we can improve our database and ultimately our trajectory
recommendations.  Based on the type of oil the barge is reported to be carrying, if it
lost oil during its transit down the bay, we would expect light scattered sheens down the
bay.  We would expect the residual oil (whats left over after evaporation) to ultimately
impact the shoreline as very widely scattered (i.e., not clean-upable quantities) thin
bands of pollution (similar to the 'bathtub rings' of oil we've seen before).  Please call
us if you have any questions.  Please  keep us updated on any observations that would be
important for trajectory purposes, particularly any confirmation of the western beach
sightings.  Thanks.  MASS