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Barge VB53

Richmond, VA
Subject Evening Report 9 May
Posting Date 2005-May-09

Incident Summary:
On the afternoon of 8 May the T/B Vane Brothers (VB) 53 reported hitting a submerged
object and

released an estimated 25-30 bbls of diesel fuel into the James River.  By the morning of 9
May the

vessel was stabilized and transfer of the product from #1 and #2 port tanks that were
damaged in the

grounding continued.

NOAA SSC Support Activities:
MSO Hampton Roads requested information as to resources at risk with particular attention
to the route

of the barge from the site of the grounding to the potential offload and repair facility
in Kinder-Morgan

up-river 5 miles in Richmond, VA.  In addition, MSO Hampton Roads requested support for

weather forecasts, coordination with Resource Trustees, and analysis of cleanup endpoints
for the

marsh areas east of the grounding site described as the 'gravel pit' where much of the
diesel oil had


The NOAA resource at risk summary that was provided generally described potential impacts
to a

number of spawning / larval species and habitat in the area of the grounding.   However,

with representatives of Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and Virginia
Marine Resources

staff suggested that there were no special environmental areas that would be at increased
risk if the T/

B VB 53 was moved up-river 5 miles to the off-load and repair facility.  

SPECIAL NOTE:  VA DGIF reports a bald eagle nest located in between the site of the
grounding and the

repair location.  This nest is located at the following coordinates 37,25,42.4 and
77,24,26.3.  This

information will be passed to operations staff as part of the planning considerations when
the T/B is


NOAA site-specific weather from the National Weather Service for Tuesday has easterly
winds at 5-10

knots with no participation expected tonight, but a chance of rain during the day.  The
NOAA extended

forecast for Wednesday is for SE winds at 10 knots, mostly cloudy skies, and chance of

during the day.  On Thursday N winds at 15 knots, mostly cloudy skies, and chance of
showers are


SSC Coordination with Trustees:  
The NOAA SST developed a number of information and status reports, developed location maps
for the

areas of the grounding and proposed area to which the T/B would be taken for off-load and
repair, and

posted several clear digital photos of the site of the grounding and the location where
most of the oil

had been contained in an area called the 'gravel pit.'  This information was shared and
discussed with

Trustees both by using the NOAA Response LINK system and personal phone calls.  Virginia's

Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF), Virginia Marine Resources Commission

Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and NOAA's Damage Assessment Center were also provided

situation updates and maps via individual emails and phone discussions.

Proposed Activities Tuesday 10 May
Anticipate that the T/B VB 56 will be moved to the off-load and repair facility 5 miles
up-river at

Kinder-Morgan that is located just south of Richmond, VA.

Cleanup of floating diesel oil in the cove just east of the grounding site will continue
until recoverable

oil using vacuum and skimmers is completed.  Deployment of hard boom, sorbant boom and
pads will


The SSC will deploy to the forward command post located at the James River at Osborne

Scheduled to participate on-scene in discussions with the SSC and the response team on

endpoints at the 'gravel pit' will be representatives of NOAA's DAC and USF&WS.