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Hurricane Rita (General)

Subject Debris field in Sabine NWR, LA - Oct 11, 2005
Posting Date 2005-Oct-12

Aerial view of debris that originated in coastal towns, then was picked up by Hurricane
Rita, carried about 10 miles inland, and deposited in the Sabine National Wildlife Refuge,
Louisiana. A blue shipping container lies by a canal near the middle of this photo. The
debris includes household hazardous materials, propane tanks, and other hazardous
materials. Besides posing a hazard, the debris is smothering large acreages of marsh
habitat. The huge amount of material in this remote, roadless area poses a logistical
challenge for removal. 

Photo by NOAA, taken 11 Oct 2005.


Debris field in Sabine NWR, LA - Oct 11, 2005
Debris Field 6.jpg  (JPG, 237 KB)