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R/R Cougar Ace

North Pacific Ocean, AK
Subject evening Report - Aug. 7, 2006
Posting Date 2006-Aug-07

Evening Report -- Aug. 7, 2006

1. The Cougar Ace is now positioned 12 nm offshore, west of Makushin Bay on Unalaska
Island and of Selendang

fame.  The weather in the position is fairly calm with negligible waves and swells and a
12 kt wind.   All the rigging

and pumps were arranged yesterday, and the vessel will remain in this location while the
re-ballasting occurs, which

is mostly a plan to pump the water from the #9 cargo deck into the #5 ballast tank.   This
process is estimated to

take 30 hours in order to right the vessel. 
2. After righting the vessel, the vessel may continue to the west coast or come into
Unalaska Bay for further

assessment.   At this point, it will be considered a normal transit vessel rather than a
stricken vessel seeking a port

of refuge.   
3. The second sea-going tug, the Gladiator, is on scene and will be relieving the tug Sea
Victory, which has towed

the Cougar Ace to date.   
4. The NOAA SSC is no longer situated at the Command Post, and only checks in periodically
on their quiet and

uneventful existence.   The salvage portion of this group may be relocating to Dutch
Harbor depending on the fate

of the vessel.   

John Whitney