State of California Employment Training Panel

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When can I begin training workers?

2. Can a training agreement be revised after training has started?

3. What if the workers to be trained are covered under a union agreement?

4. What is the minimum wage employers are required to pay workers after completing training and an employment retention period?

5. How are training reimbursement costs determined?

6. How will my company be reimbursed for training costs?

7. How can my company earn the total amount of funds specified in the training agreement?

8. What is the paperwork requirement for ETP training projects?

9. What type of assistance can I expect from ETP staff?

10. What if a contractor does not have staff available to provide project development and/or project management of the training project?

11. What should a contractor consider when seeking a consultant or subcontractor to provide project development and/or project management?

12. I'm an unemployed individual looking for a job. Can ETP direct me?

1. When can I begin training workers?

After you submit an application for training funds, the application will be developed into a training agreement for Panel approval. You can begin training as soon as your training agreement is approved by the Panel. Generally, this entire process takes two months. For more information on the contracting process please review Getting Started.

2. Can a training agreement be revised after training has started?

Yes. If circumstances arise which affect the delivery of training, ETP staff will work with you to revise your training agreement as necessary.

3. What if the workers to be trained are covered under a union agreement?

The union will need to write a letter stating they support the proposed training.

4. What is the minimum wage employers are required to pay workers after completing training and an employment retention period?

The ETP Minimum wage requirements vary depending on the calendar year, county of employment, and the type of worker (retrainee or new-hire). Health benefits can be added to a workers base wage to meet the minimum wage requirement. For more information on ETP wage requirements please review Trainee Wages.

5. How are training reimbursement costs determined?

The Panel uses a fixed-fee training rate to calculate reimbursement for training costs. The fixed-fee rate is intended to cover a portion of training and administrative costs incurred by a contractor. For more information on the fixed-fee rates, please review Fixed-Fee Rates.

6. How will my company be reimbursed for training costs?

ETP training agreements are performance-based. A company earns funds after a trainee completes training an employment retention period of at least 90 days (trainees must be employed at least 35 hours per week?). To offset training costs, your company may receive "progress payments" as a trainee progresses through training – in lieu of receiving full reimbursement after training/retention. Benchmarks and amounts of progress payments are stipulated in the training agreement.

7. How can my company earn the total amount of funds specified in the training agreement?

Your company may earn all training funds specified for the agreement if it delivers all the training and retains the trainees at the required wage for the entire retention period. ETP has found training projects have greater success if a company is committed to training and provides its own training and contract administration.

8. What is the paperwork requirement for ETP training projects?

Contractors must document the benefit received from Panel funds. Your company will need to document the training received by trainees and retain those training records for ETP review.

9. What type of assistance can I expect from ETP staff?

ETP's goal is to make your contracting experience as simple and successful as possible. ETP staff is available to assist you throughout the contracting process. We will provide you technical assistance to complete your application for funding, develop your training agreement, and monitor your agreement through its term. For additional information, please contact an ETP regional office closest to you.

10. What if a contractor does not have staff available to provide project development and/or project management of the training project?

If your company does not have sufficient staff to provide project development and/or project management, you may consider hiring a consultant or subcontractor to assist you. ETP does not endorse the use of any particular subcontractor or consultant. Contractors are required to inform ETP of their use of a consultant/subcontractor, and subagreements are subject to ETP review and approval.

11. What should a contractor consider when seeking a consultant or subcontractor to provide project development and/or project management?

The contractor is responsible for the training project - regardless of who performs the project development and project management. Carefully consider the following when selecting a consultant/subcontractor:

  • Credentials
  • Expertise/knowledge of your company’s industry.
  • Recognition as an expert in the field by your peers.
  • Experience providing services similar to those needed by your company.
  • Resources available to keep your training project on schedule once it begins.
  • Familiarity with the ETP Program and its requirements.
  • Recent experience providing service to an ETP contractor.
  • Samples of their quality work.
  • Performance in meeting the organizational objectives of prior ETP contractors and whether they would be hired again. Specifically:
    • How responsive was the consultant to the contractor's needs?
    • How would the contractor rate the quality of the services provided?
    • Was the ETP project evaluated after completion, and if so, what was the result?
    • Were adequate resources committed to keeping the contractor's training project on schedule?
    • Was the cost appropriate for the services received?

12. I'm an unemployed individual looking for a job. Can ETP direct me?

The Employment Training Panel funds training programs for California Employers/Contractors. These training programs contain a variety of jobs intended for individuals who meet certain eligibility requirements. For a list of current ETP-funded training programs which may be recruiting unemployed workers, review the Job Training Opportunities List. You may also contact the Employment Development Department, Job Services for information on employment opportunities.