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Services Research Outcomes Study (SROS)

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Of the 3,047 clients in the SROS sample, 2,489 (82 percent) were located during the nine month SROS field period five years after discharge from the index treatment episode; 558 (18 percent) were not located before resources and time for fieldwork expired. Less than one percent (14 clients) were ineligible for the study, 277 (nine percent) had died between discharge from treatment and the field period, and 1,799 individuals were interviewed.

There is a difference between simple response rates and cumulative response rates. The overall response rate of the SROS survey is 65 percent when those who died before the field period are excluded from both the numerator and denominator of the completion rate. The response rate for subgroups of the sample are as follows: 63 percent formales, 70 percent for females, 65 percent for white non-Hispanics, 66 percent for black non-Hispanics, and 54 percent for Hispanics.

The overall SROS response rate was 68 percent when those who died before the field period are measured as completions. The response rate for subgroups of the sample are as follows: 67 percent for males, 72 percent for females, 68 percent for white non-Hispanics, 69 percent for black non-Hispanics, and 59 percent for Hispanics.

When SROS is viewed as part of a longitudinal study, following after DSRS Phase I, DSRS Phase II, the recapture of DSRS facilities for SROS, and the completion of cases for SROS, the cumulative response rate would be the product of each of the individual response rates, which is 38 percent as shown on Table 2.1.

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This page was last updated on June 03, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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