State of California Employment Training Panel

Support for Small Business

ETP prioritizes small business training and is an essential resource for small employers who otherwise may have no means to train their workers. About three-fourths of all businesses served by ETP employ 250 or fewer workers; and as many as one-third employ only 20 or fewer workers.

ETP serves small employers in two ways: 1) direct contracts with single employers, and 2) multiple employer contracts (MECs) with employer consortia, joint apprenticeship training councils, trade associations, and training agencies that train workers of multiple employers.

Current key efforts in serving small businesses include:

    • Small Business Program (SBP) -- To facilitate direct small business contracts, SBP provides up to $75,000 in training cost reimbursements for small businesses with 100 or fewer workers. SBP contracts are streamlined and expedited, training hours may range from 8 to 60 hours of instruction, and small business owners may be trained, along with their employees. Modifications to standard contract requirements are allowed. Click here to see the sample Small Business Contract.

    • MEC Entrepreneurial Training -- ETP funds entrepreneurial training for small businesses owners, equipping them with the tools necessary to successfully run their business. Training consists of business management and other related skills for employers with at least one but less than ten employees. Click here to see the sample MEC Entrepreneurial Contract.

    • Fast Track Process -- Both the SBP and Small Business Owner Training programs provide a fast track process that simplifies and expedites the contract process for these employers. Eligibility determination and formal training proposals are typically completed in one week or less. In addition, any contract written under $75,000 is written on a fast track process. Click here to see the sample 75,000 or Less Contract.

    • On-Site MEC Training for Small Business -- Recognizing the specialized effectiveness of on-site training, the Panel provides higher training reimbursement rates for MEC training that is provided directly at the worksite of employers with 100 or fewer employees.

    • Training Opportunities with a MEC -- A Small Business can also participate in a standard MEC, and thereby reduce the cost of administration. See the Retraining Opportunities List if you are a business owner looking for an opportunity to train your employees using an existing ETP-funded training program.