TTB Search/Navigation Help

Boolean operators

Boolean operators allow you to precisely define your search by creating a relationship between search terms. The four types of operators are AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR.

The AND operator is used to search for both terms in the same topic. For example, typing in ‘alcohol AND beer AND outlet’ in the search field will only return topics that contain all three words.

The OR operator is used to search for either term in a topic. For example, typing in ‘alcohol OR beer’ in the search field would return topics containing either word.

The NOT operator is used to search for the first term without the second term. For example, typing in ‘alcohol NOT tobacco’ in the search field would return topics containing the word ‘alcohol’ but not ‘tobacco’.

The NEAR operator is used to search for both terms in the same topic, close together. For example, typing in ‘beer NEAR wine” in the search field would return topics containing the word ‘beer’ within eight words of the word ‘wine’.

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