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Telemarketing and Junk Mail - Vishing Title

"Vishing" is the use of fraudulent telephone calls, using pirated recordings of telephone services from well-known financial institutions. The object is to trick you into believing that your bank is calling to confirm personal information such as account numbers, PINS and passwords. Your answers are recorded and the information is then used for identity theft.

If you get a telephone call from someone who says they are with your bank and/or credit company and they ask you to provide or confirm any personal information:

  • Do NOT answer any questions.
  • Hang up immediately.
  • Call your bank or credit company directly and tell them what happened.
Beware: Contests and Sweepstakes

Don't pay if you are asked to give money to claim a prize or get something else free. If you have really won a sweepstakes, you pay taxes directly to the government, not through the company. Beware of invitations that include phrases like:

  • "You have been specially selected..."
  • "You have won..."
  • "A new car! A trip to Hawaii! $2,500 in cash!"
  • "Yours, absolutely free! Take a look at our..."
  • "Your special claim number lets you ..."
  • "All you pay is postage, handling, taxes ..."
Consumer News
New Rules Requiring an Automated Voice or Keypress Opt-Out for Recorded Message Telemarketing Calls Take Effect

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Who's Calling? Recognize and Report Phone Fraud
Putting Telephone Scams...On Hold
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