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Insurance - General Tips Title Graphic

General sources of insurance information include the American Council of Life Insurers, the Insurance Information Institute, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, and your state insurance department.

When buying insurance:

  • Find out whether your state insurance department offers any information concerning insurance companies and rates. This is a good way to get a feeling for the range of prices and the lowest-cost providers in your area.
  • Check several sources for the best deal. Try getting quotes from a website such as, but be aware that many online services may provide prices for just a few companies. An independent insurance agent that works with several insurers in your local area might be able to get you a better deal.
  • Check the financial stability and soundness of the insurance company. Ratings from A.M. Best, Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Services , and Weiss Ratings, Inc. are available online and at most public libraries.
  • Research the complaint record of the company. Contact your state insurance department or visit the website of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners), which has a database of complaints filed with state regulators.
  • Find out what others think about the company's customer service. Consumers can rate homeowner insurance companies at
  • Once you pay your first insurance premium, make sure you receive a written policy. This tells you the agent forwarded your premium to the insurance company. If you don't receive a policy within 60 days, contact your agent and the insurance company.

If you suspect fraud, call the National Insurance Crime Bureau's hotline at 1-800-835-6422. Or for more information, check out the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud website

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