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Thousands of resources are now available to help you make healthcare decisions. Be wary of websites sponsored by companies that are trying to sell you a particular treatment. It's better to contact reputable associations or visit sites run by government agencies and recognized organizations, such as the Mayo Clinic and the American Medical Association (1-800-621-8335). This information should complement, not replace, what you receive from a doctor. Here are some sites that are generally recognized as reliable information sources:

  •, and MedlinePlus are federal government gateways that provide information on health issues, healthcare programs, and organizations.
  • Intelihealth offers information and practical advice on staying healthy from the Harvard Medical School.
  • The Mayo Clinic offers an alphabetical index of diseases and Healthy Living Centers (for example, Women's Health, Diet and Health). Consult the Health Decisions Guide for information on medical tests and treatments.
  • The Medical Library Association links to websites suggested by librarians. For general information, you can call 312-419-9094 or write to The Medical Library Association, 65 East Wacker Place, Suite 1900, Chicago, IL 60601-7246.
  • The Mental Help Net links to a broad range of mental health topics.
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