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Education - Vocational Schools Title Graphic

Private vocational, correspondence and technical trade schools train students for a variety of skilled jobs, such as medical assistant, hair stylist, automotive technician, paralegal, truck electronics technician or truck driver. Many are reputable, teach the skills needed to get a job, and may even assist with job placement. Others make false claims about the qualification of their instructors, the extent of their programs and/or facilities. They could also mislead students about the availability of jobs or salary potential.

Before enrolling in a vocational or correspondence school, find out as much as you can about the school, its tuition, qualifications and reputation. The FTC offers helpful advice and a "Do Some Homework" checklist if you're considering a career or vocational school. Other helpful resources include:

  • SkillsUSA ( or 703-777-8810) is a national nonprofit organization that serves teachers, high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations.
  • The Office of Vocational and Adult Education ( or 1-800-872-5327) offers up-to-date information, research and resources about vocational and adult education programs and issues.
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