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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
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Evert K Byington
General Biological Science
Rangeland, Pasture and Forages

Phone: (301) 504-4625
Fax: (301) 504-6231

Projects (Appropriated | All ) 254 projects listed

Protecting Surface and Ground Waters in Emerging Farming Systems of the North Central United States
Soil Hydrology and Management Effects on Erosion and Water Quality
Development of Acoustic and Seismic Technology to Characterize Soils, Sediment Flow and Deposition, and Impoundment Reservoirs
Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Cycling to Sustain Agriculture in the Southeastern Usa
Risk Assessment and Remediation of Soil and Amendment Trace Elements
Benefits and Risks of Using Waste Foundry Sand for Agricultural and Horticultural Applications
Integrating Production and Conservation Practices to Maintain Grass Seed Farm Profits
Global Change and Belowground Processes in Agricultural Systems
Trace Gas Exchanges in Midwest Cropping Systems
Global Change: Responses and Management Strategies for Semi-Arid Rangelands
Interactions Between Land Use, Land Mgmt, and Climate Change: Relations to Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling, Trace Gases and Agroecosystems
Identifying and Manipulating Determinants of Photosynthate Production and Partitioning
Nutrient Cycling and Utilization on Organic Dairy Farms
Environmentally Sound Utilization of Byproducts and Animal Wastes
Ecologically-Based Soil and Crop Management Systems for Sustainable Agriculture
Conservation Systems Research for Improving Environmental Quality and Producer Profitability
Conservation Systems Research for Improving Environmental Quality and Producer Profitability
Soil and Crop Management Systems to Sustain Agricultural Production and Environmental Quality in the Northern Great Plains
Dryland Cropping Systems Management for the Central Great Plains
Ecologically-Based Management of Insect Pests of Corn
Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Site-Specific Soil and Crop Management
Soil Resource Evaluation of Management Systems to Enhance Agroecosystem Sustainability
Impact of Soil Resource Management on Soil Biochemical and Chemical Processes
Development of Efficient and Practical Methods for Producing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Biochemical and Genetic Basis of Sucrose Partitioning in Sugarcane Stalks for Sucrose and Biofuel Production
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Farming Practices for the Northern Corn Belt to Protect Soil Resources, Support Biofuel Production and Reduce Global Warming Potential
Soil Response to Conservation Tillage in a Cotton-Peanut Rotation
Soil Management Systems for Dryland and Irrigated Cropping Systems
Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Cycling to Sustain Agriculture in the Southeastern Usa
Soil Conservation Systems for Sustainability of Pacific Northwest Agriculture
Soil Conservation Systems for Sustainability of Pacific Northwest Agriculture
Biogeochemical Processes Influencing Formation and Stabilization of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Structure
Soil Carbon Cycling, Trace Gas Emission, Tillage and Crop Residue Management
Crop and Soil Management Systems for Water Quality Protection and Agricultural Sustainability
Crop and Soil Management Systems for Water Quality Protection and Agricultural Sustainability
Efficient and Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural Water Management in Humid Regions
Development of Models and Conservation Practices for Water Quality Management and Resource Assessments
Environmental and Source Water Quality Effects of Management Practices and Land Use on Poorly Drained Land
Management and Treatment of Drainage Waters for Water Quality Protection and Sustainability of Agricultural Production in the Midwest U.S.
Salinity and Trace Elements Associated with Water Reuse in Irrigated Systems: Processes, Sampling Protocols, and Site-Specific Management
Development of Alternative Practices for Improved Watershed Management
Snow and Hydrologic Processes in the Intermountain West
Optimizing Irrigation Management for Humid Climates
Erosion Prediction Technology to Enhance Conservation Planning
Epidemiology and Management of Fungal Diseases of Grasses Grown for Seed
Effectiveness of Watershed Land-Management Practices to Improve Water Quality
Hydrologic and Environmental Impacts of Conservation Practices in Oklahoma Agricultural Watersheds
Hydrologic and Environmental Impacts of Conservation Practices in Oklahoma Agricultural Watersheds
Improved Water Resources Management for Irrigated Agriculture in the Pacific Northwest
Integrated Management of Land and Water Resources for Environmental and Economic Sustainability in the Northeast U.S.
Sustaining Rural Economies Through New Water Management Technologies
Salinity and Trace Element Management for Crop Production in Irrigated Agricultural Systems
Irrigation Management and Automation for Increased Water Use Efficiency
Object Modeling and Scaling of Landscape Processes and Conservation Effects in Agricultural Systems
Object Modeling and Scaling of Landscape Processes and Conservation Effects in Agricultural Systems
Reducing Nitrate Losses from Agricultural Fields with Subsurface Drainage
Understanding and Predicting the Impact of Agriculture on the Environmental Integrity of Managed Watersheds
Optimizing Forage-Based Cow-Calf Operations to Improve Sustainability of Beef Cattle Agriculture and Water Quality Protection and Management
Conservation Effects Assessment in the South Georgia Little River
Improving Dairy Forage and Manure Management to Reduce Environmental Risk
Improving Dairy Forage and Manure Management to Reduce Environmental Risk
Rangeland and Livestock Resource Management
Improving Soil and Nutrient Management Systems for Sustained Productivity and Environmental Quality
Managing Dairy Farms for Environmental Stewardship and Profit
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia
Managing Forage and Grazing Lands for Multiple Ecosystem Services
Managing Forage and Grazing Lands for Multiple Ecosystem Services
Proactive Management for Sustainable Rangeland Production
Native Perennial Warm-Season Grasses As Components of Sustainable Farming Systems in the Southeastern Usa
Non-Traditional Plant Resources for Grazing Ruminants in Appalachia
Native Perennial Warm-Season Grasses As Components of Sustainable Farming Systems in the Southeastern Usa
Improved Forage and Bioenergy Plants and Technologies for the Central Usa
Development and Assessment of a System to Produce Grass-Fed Beef for the Southern Great Plains
Semiarid Rangeland Ecosystems: the Conservation-Production Interface
Improving Alfalfa and Other Forage Crops for Bioenergy, Livestock Production, and Environmental Protection
Improving Alfalfa and Other Forage Crops for Bioenergy, Livestock Production, and Environmental Protection
Genetic Enhancement and Management of Warm Season Grass Species for Forage and Alternative Uses
Particulate Emissions from Wind Erosion: Processes, Assessment, and Control
Functional Genomics for Improving Nutrients and Quality in Alfalfa and Soybean
Common Modular Wind and Water Erosion Modeling for Conservation Planning
Integrating Forage Systems for Food and Energy Production in the Southern Great Plains
Sustainable Forage Production for Low-Input Farming Systems
Forage Systems for Sustainable Animal Production in the Mid-South
Integrating Forage Systems for Food and Energy Production in the Southern Great Plains
Sustainable Forage Production for Low-Input Farming Systems
Management of Temperate Pastures and Silvopastures for Small Farm Livestock Production
Opportunities & Limits to Perturbing Forage Plant Biochemistry, Growth, & Development for Improving Forage Nutritional Benefits in Dairy Sys
Opportunities & Limits to Perturbing Forage Plant Biochemistry, Growth, & Development for Improving Forage Nutritional Benefits in Dairy Sys
Redesigning Forage Germplasm and Production Systems for Efficiency, Profit, and Sustainability of Dairy Farms
Redesigning Forage Germplasm and Production Systems for Efficiency, Profit, and Sustainability of Dairy Farms
Sustaining and Enhancing Southern Plains Rangeland and Pasture Landscapes
New Monitoring Technologies for Improving Rangeland Management
Forage Management Systems for Smale-Scale Ruminant Production in the Appalachian Region
Forage Management Systems for Smale-Scale Ruminant Production in the Appalachian Region
Soil Management Systems for Dryland and Irrigated Cropping Systems
Enhanced Midwestern Cropping Systems for Sustainability and Environmental Quality
Multi-Scale Evaluation of Land Use Management Systems in the Upper Midwest
Improving Crop and Animal Production Systems for Southern Producers
Managing Biogeochemical Cycles and Rhizosphere Ecology for Sustainable Production of Appalachian Pasture and Amenity Grasses
Discovery and Initial Development of Classical Biological Control Agents for Invasive Eurasian Weeds Affecting Agricultural & Natural Areas
Biology and Management of Invasive Weeds in the Western United States
Snow and Hydrologic Processes in the Intermountain West
Global Change: Responses and Management Strategies for Semi-Arid Rangelands
Impacts of Global Changes and Biological Control of Invasive Weeds on Western Rangelands
Soil Resource Evaluation of Management Systems to Enhance Agroecosystem Sustainability
Enhancing Sustainability of Potato Systems in the Northeast
Integrated Agricultural Systems for the Northern Great Plains
Mechanistic Process-Level Crop Simulation Models for Research and on-Farm Decision Support
Increasing Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat Production Profitability
Increasing Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat Production Profitability
Evaluation of Maternal and Paternal Germplasm for Increasing Efficiency of Sheep in Western Rangeland Production Systems
Increasing Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat Production Profitability
Increasing Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat Production Profitability
Strategies to Improve Soil and Pest Management in Organic Vegetable Production Systems
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Irrigated Specialty Crops and Biofuels
Biological Control of Invasive Plants of the Northern Great Plains
Develop and Transfer Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Peanut Management Technologies
Strategies to Improve Soil and Pest Management in Organic Vegetable Production Systems
Sustaining Peanut Cropping Systems Competitiveness
Improving Crop and Animal Production Systems for Southern Producers
Principles and Practices for Improving Organic Farming in the Mid-Atlantic Region
Safeguarding Well-Being of Food Producing Animals
Increasing Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat Production Profitability
Evaluation of Maternal and Paternal Germplasm for Increasing Efficiency of Sheep in Western Rangeland Production Systems
Increasing Inland Pacific Northwest Wheat Production Profitability
Mechanistic Process-Level Crop Simulation Models for Research and on-Farm Decision Support
Enhanced System Models and Decision Support Tools to Optimize Water Limited Agriculture
Enhancing Sustainability of Potato Systems in the Northeast
Integrated Agricultural Systems for the Northern Great Plains
Multi-Scale Evaluation of Land Use Management Systems in the Upper Midwest
Ecologically-Sound Pest, Water and Soil Management Strategies for Northern Great Plains Cropping Systems
Enhanced Midwestern Cropping Systems for Sustainability and Environmental Quality
Development of Sustainable Production Systems and Water Management Technology for the Mid South
Forage Management Systems for Smale-Scale Ruminant Production in the Appalachian Region
New Monitoring Technologies for Improving Rangeland Management
Improvement of Seed and End-Use Quality of Cool Season Grasses
Genetic Enhancement of Turfgrass Germplasm for Reduced Input Sustainability
Sustaining and Enhancing Southern Plains Rangeland and Pasture Landscapes
National Animal Germplasm Program (Nagp)
Enhancing Animal Well-Being, Immunocompetence, and Performance in Swine and Beef Cattle
Agroforestry Practices and Systems for Family Farms
Redesigning Forage Germplasm and Production Systems for Efficiency, Profit, and Sustainability of Dairy Farms
Opportunities & Limits to Perturbing Forage Plant Biochemistry, Growth, & Development for Improving Forage Nutritional Benefits in Dairy Sys
Management of Temperate Pastures and Silvopastures for Small Farm Livestock Production
Improved Plant Genetic Resources for Pastures and Rangelands in the Temperate Semiarid Regions of the Western U.S.
Sustainable Forage Production for Low-Input Farming Systems
Forage Systems for Sustainable Animal Production in the Mid-South
Optimizing the Biology of the Animal-Plant Interface for Improved Sustainability of Forage-Based Animal Enterprises
Improving Nutrient Digestibility to Enhance Forage Utilization in Lactating Dairy Cow Feeding Systems
Managerial and Nutritional Strategies to Improve Production Efficiency of Heavy Broiler Chickens
Integrating Forage Systems for Food and Energy Production in the Southern Great Plains
Using the Genome to Understand Immunogenetics of Poultry
Genetic and Physiological Approaches to Improving Performance of Beef Cattle Grazing Pastures in Which Endophyte-Infected Forages Dominate
Astragalus and Oxytropis Poisoning in Livestock
Molecular Strategies for Detection and Identification of Forage Legume Pathogens and Development of Host Resistance
Genetic Enhancement and Management of Warm Season Grass Species for Forage and Alternative Uses
Improving Alfalfa and Other Forage Crops for Bioenergy, Livestock Production, and Environmental Protection
Semiarid Rangeland Ecosystems: the Conservation-Production Interface
Genetic Improvement of Perennial Forage and Turf Grasses for the Southern United States
Enhancing Genetic Merit of Dairy Cattle Through Genome Selection and Analysis
Development and Assessment of a System to Produce Grass-Fed Beef for the Southern Great Plains
Native Perennial Warm-Season Grasses As Components of Sustainable Farming Systems in the Southeastern Usa
Non-Traditional Plant Resources for Grazing Ruminants in Appalachia
Molecular Strategies for Detection and Identification of Nematodes Infecting Forage Legumes and Development of Host Resistance
Improved Forage and Bioenergy Plants and Technologies for the Central Usa
Livestock Losses from Abortifacient and Teratogenic Plants
The Toxicity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid-Containing Plants and Other Hepatotoxic and Neurotoxic Plants
Poisoning of Livestock by Various Larkspur Species (Delphinium)
Enhancing Resistance to Diseases and Abiotic Stresses in Alfalfa and Edible Legumes
Proactive Management for Sustainable Rangeland Production
Managing Forage and Grazing Lands for Multiple Ecosystem Services
Economic Pasture-Based Beef Systems for Appalachia
Basic Research on Soil-Microbe Relationships
Rangeland and Livestock Resource Management
Disturbance Assessment and Mitigation of Great Basin Rangeland
Rangeland Restoration and Management
Methods for Improving Feed Evaluation for Use in Enhancing Lactating Dairy Cow Efficiency and Nutrient Management
Improving Genetic Predictions for Dairy Animals Using Phenotypic and Genomic Information
Resource Development Facilitating Bovine Genome Sequence Use to Improve Cattle Production Efficiency, Product Quality & Environmental Impact
Investigation of Genetic Mechanisms for Improving the Regulation of Feed Intake and Nutrient Utilization in Poultry
Evaluation, Development, and Use of Genetic Resources to Improve Life-Cycle Efficiency of Beef Cattle and Sheep
Physiological Approaches to Increase the Efficiency of Pork Production Through Improved Nutritional and Reproductive Competence
Genetic and Genomic Approaches to Improve Efficiency of Swine Production and Product Quality
Efficiency of Nutrient Use in Cattle:identification of Critical Physiologic and Genomic Regulatory Pathways
Development of New Technologies and Methods to Enhance the Utilization and Long-Term Storage of Poultry, Swine and Fish Germplasm
Functional Genomics of Enhanced Embryo, Fetal, and Neonatal Development and Survival in Swine
Characterizing and Managing Animal Stress/well-Being in Livestock Production
Evaluation of Genetically Engineered Cattle and Refining Techniques for Producing Them
Improvement of Stem Cell and Nuclear Cloning Technologies in Ungulates
Improve Nutrient Management and Efficiency in Cattle
Reducing Cost of Efficient Beef Production
Identification and Utilization of Mechanisms Responsible for the Adaptation of Cattle to Stressors of the Subtropics
Modifications of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate Protein System to Improve Feed Efficiency of Ruminants
Genomic Regulation of Seasonal Infertility in Swine
Germplasm Development for Southern Plains Rangeland and Pasture Landscapes
Management Technologies for Arid Rangelands
Improving Soil and Nutrient Management Systems for Sustained Productivity and Environmental Quality
Maintaining Soil Resources for Effective Conservation and Herbicide Management in Mid-South Crop Production
Soil Carbon Cycling, Trace Gas Emission, Tillage and Crop Residue Management
Biogeochemical Processes Influencing Formation and Stabilization of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Structure
Soil Conservation Systems for Sustainability of Pacific Northwest Agriculture
Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Cycling to Sustain Agriculture in the Southeastern Usa
Farming Practices for the Northern Corn Belt to Protect Soil Resources, Support Biofuel Production and Reduce Global Warming Potential
Factors Controlling Microbial Transformation of Herbicides, N Fertilizers, and Weed Seeds As Related to Biologically Based Weed Management
Managing Biogeochemical Cycles and Rhizosphere Ecology for Sustainable Production of Appalachian Pasture and Amenity Grasses
Assessing Management Effects on Crops and Soils
Soil Management Systems for Dryland and Irrigated Cropping Systems
Soil Response to Conservation Tillage in a Cotton-Peanut Rotation
Improving Soil and Water Management Practices in Cropping and Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems
Soil Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems That Prevent Wind Erosion and Enhance the Environment
Quantifying Landscape Factors Influencing Soil Productivity and the Environment
Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Site-Specific Soil and Crop Management
Strategies to Optimize Carcass Yield and Meat Quality of Red Meat Animals
Improving Soils and Their Management for More Efficient Water Use in Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture
Development of Efficient and Practical Methods for Producing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Fiber Extrusion to Improve Use and Production of Ethanol Byproducts
Develop and Improve Strategies for Management of Irrigated Agricultural Crops and Soils
Soil Resource Evaluation of Management Systems to Enhance Agroecosystem Sustainability
Impact of Soil Resource Management on Soil Biochemical and Chemical Processes
Dryland Cropping Systems Management for the Central Great Plains
Assessing Climate, Soil and Landscape Processes Affecting Agricultural Ecosystems
Soil and Crop Management Systems to Sustain Agricultural Production and Environmental Quality in the Northern Great Plains
Conservation Systems Research for Improving Environmental Quality and Producer Profitability
Ecologically-Based Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Conservation
Crop and Weed Responses to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Production of Value-Added Lipids, Biofuels, and Biobased Products from Fats and Oils
Ecologically-Based Soil and Crop Management Systems for Sustainable Agriculture
Enzyme-Based Technologies for Milling Grains and Producing Biobased Products and Fuels
Ecological, Physiological and Genetic Aspects of Global Climate Change Impacts in Field Crop Systems
Value-Added Products from Forages and Biomass Energy Crops
Biotechnological Enhancement of Energy Crops
Global Change Research
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
National Corn to Ethanol Research Pilot Plant
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Irrigated Specialty Crops and Biofuels
Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Corn Oil and Value-Added Products from Corn Germ Produced in New Generation Dry-Grind Ethanol Processes
Impacts of Global Changes and Biological Control of Invasive Weeds on Western Rangelands
Trace Gas Exchanges in Midwest Cropping Systems
Global Change: Responses and Management Strategies for Semi-Arid Rangelands
Evolutionary Enzymes and Separation Processes for Improved Biorefining of Crops and Residues
Remote Water Pumping and Electric Power Generation with Renewable Energy
Cost-Effective Bioprocess Technologies for Production of Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Genomics and Engineering of Stress-Tolerant Microbes for Lower Cost Production of Biofuels and Bioproducts
Integrating Production and Conservation Practices to Maintain Grass Seed Farm Profits
Global Change and Belowground Processes in Agricultural Systems
Environmental Effects on Phytochemicals in Food Crops: Connecting Global Change and Human Nutrition
Impacts of Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Temperature on Crop Growth, Reproductive Processes, Yield, and Seed Quality
Predicting Interactive Effects of Co2, Temperature, and Other Environmental Factors on Agricultual Productivitiy
Microbial Catalysts to Produce Fuel Ethanol and Value Added Products
Improving the Performance of Alternative Fuels and Co-Products from Vegetable Oils
Industrially Robust Enzymes and Microorganisms for Production of Sugars and Ethanol from Agricultural Biomass
Economic Competitiveness of Renewable Fuels Derived from Grains and Related Biomass
Interactions Between Land Use, Land Mgmt, and Climate Change: Relations to Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling, Trace Gases and Agroecosystems

The Role of the Agricultural Research Service in Sustaining Rangeland Ecosystems - (Abstract)
Heitschmidt, R.K., Byington, E.K. 2005. The role of the agricultural research service in sustaining rangeland ecosystems. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts 58th Meeting #164. CD only. Fort Worth, Texas.

Program Teams
Food Animal Production (101)
Water Quality and Management (201)
Soil Resource Management (202)
Global Change (204)
Rangeland, Pasture, and Forages (205) (leader)
Integrated Agricultural Systems (207)
Bioenergy & Energy Alternatives (307)
Agricultural System Competitiveness and Sustainability Program (216)
Pasture, Forage and Range Land Systems (215) (co-leader)
Last Modified: 03/04/2009
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