Shortening the Time to Post Review Summary Statements

Goal: The goal is to shorten the time from receipt of an application to summary statement release to allow investigators to resubmit an amended application for the very next deadline.


Expected Benefits: Previously, an investigator had to wait an entire review cycle before resubmitting which stretched the entire process of application/amendment/review/award over several years. Being able to submit an amended application for the very next review round can tremendously shorten the timeframe and allow scientific research to proceed more quickly.


Status: The initiative began in early 2006 by posting all summary statements of new investigators submitting a RO1 within 10 days of the study section meeting and posting the summary statements for all investigators within 30 days of the study section meeting.  For the October 2007 council, all of CSR have released 97% summary statements on this expedited schedule.


Schedule for Implementation: All summary statements will be released on this expedited schedule from 2007 on.

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