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Our mission is to increase transportation options for older adults and enhance their ability to live more independently within their communities throughout the United States.

For Aging / Human Service Providers

Aging / Human Service Providers

Resources and services that support senior transportation are available in towns, counties and states throughout the U.S.

For Transportation Providers

Transportation Providers

The rising population of older adults means new customers for transit systems.

For Older Adults & Caregivers

Older Adults & Caregivers

Become more familiar with public transportation and related resources and services available in most communities.


State Teams Selected for NHTSA Older Driver Safety Project

The NCST selected six state teams to participate in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)/Federal Transit Administration (FTA) project to establish and implement statewide older driver safety plans. The teams will gather in Dallas, Texas on September 16 and 17, and each team will work collaboratively to develop an action plan for their state to improve older driver safety and connections with alternative forms of transportation.


n4a Offers Resources on Older Driver Safety

Two publications developed through the n4a Older Driver Safety Project last year and distributed in print form are now available electronically on n4a’s new website.  Click on http://www.n4a.org/ to see the new site and proceed to Resources and Publications or go straight to http://www.n4a.org/resources-publications/ and check out:

  • Older Driver Safety Project—A Community-Based Approach to Promoting Older Driver Safety and
  • Older Driver Safety Project—For Caregivers Who Are Concerned about the Safety of an Older Driver—Help is at Hand.


Questions? Contact Mary Brugger Murphy at n4a, mbruggermurphy@n4a.org.  If you would like to receive a hard copy of either booklet by mail, please send Mary a request by e-mail, with your postal address.



New Director Named for the National Center on Senior Transportation

Easter Seals is delighted to announce that Jed Johnson, a long-time leader in the field of older adult services, is joining the Easter Seals Transportation Training and Technical Assistance Team to lead the National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST). For the past 8 years, Johnson has shepherded Easter Seals rapidly expanding older adult initiatives including the award winning, Transportation Solutions for Caregivers project funded thru the Administration on Aging and Retirement Research Foundation.


Higher Energy Prices Disproportionately Affect Older Americans

The NCST is finding that many transportation and human service agencies are reporting increased concerns for the future of services for older adults, especially programs that directly and indirectly rely on transportation. Agencies that serve older adults are cutting services in response to the current economic conditions, even while demand for these services is rising. Transportation, meal delivery, home health aid, and volunteer programs are the hardest hit.