Uranus Rings Fact Sheet

[Image of Uranus' rings]

Rings of Uranus

                       Radius   Radius/        Optical      Albedo      Width    Eccentricity     
                        (km)     Eq. radius     Depth       (x10-3)      (km)
   Uranus Equator      25,559     1.000                                                                      
   6                   41,837     1.637         ~0.3         ~15          1.5      0.0010                                  
   5                   42,234     1.652         ~0.5         ~15           ~2      0.0019                                                        
   4                   42,571     1.666         ~0.3         ~15           ~2      0.0011                                              
   Alpha               44,718     1.750         ~0.4         ~15         4-10      0.0008                                                            
   Beta                45,661     1.786         ~0.3         ~15         5-11      0.0004                                                           
   Eta                 47,176     1.834         ~0.4-        ~15          1.6                                                                
   Gamma               47,627     1.863         ~0.3+        ~15          1-4      0.0011                                    
   Delta               48,300     1.900         ~0.5         ~15          3-7      0.00004                                                          
   Lambda              50,024     1.957         ~0.1         ~15           ~2      0.                     
   Epsilon             51,149     2.006       0.5-2.3        ~18        20-96      0.0079                                                        

A second set of two rings has been discovered at roughly 100,000 km radius.

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Dr. David R. Williams, dave.williams@nasa.gov
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Ed Grayzeck, edwin.j.grayzeck@nasa.gov
V1.0, 17 July 1995
Last Updated: 18 September 2006, DRW