Resource Room

Resource Room->Science

AIM - Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere - The AIM satellite mission will explore Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMCs), also called noctilucent clouds, to find out why they form and why they are changing. Results from this mission will provide the basis for study of long-term variability in the mesospheric climate.
CALIPSO Outreach - Scientists and engineers from the United States and France are planning a satellite-based research experiment that will use a laser to study Earth's atmosphere. The mission will measure aerosols and clouds 24 hours a day.
Earth Science Resources
SABER Outreach - The NASA instrument called SABER will allow researches to learn more about the upper atmosphere by helping produce the first comprehensive global measurements of Earth's upper atmosphere. SABER will view and measure the vertical distribution of infrared radiation emitted by atmospheric gases and measure the temperature and chemical structure to help understand the overall radiation budget.
Virtual Science Museums
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