GLOBE Bulletin

August 30, 2005:
Ethiopia: 110th Country to Join GLOBE!

On Wednesday, August 24, Ethiopia became the 110th country worldwide to join GLOBE. U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Aurelia E. Brazeal and Ethiopia's Vice Minister of Education Ato Dereje Terefe signed the bilateral GLOBE agreement at the Institute for Curriculum Development and Research. Ambassador Brazeal signed the agreement on behalf of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Regional Environment Office for East Africa, based at the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, initiated the discussions that led to the launching of GLOBE in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian schools taking part in the program will join more than 16,000 schools with over 30,000 GLOBE teachers worldwide participating in GLOBE.

Please welcome Ethiopia!

U.S. Ambassador Aurelia E. Brazeal and Ethiopia's Vice Minister
of Education Ato Dereje Terefe sign the GLOBE agreement.

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