GLOBE Bulletin

March 27, 2002:
U.S. Schools: Compete for the 2003 GLOBE Learning Expeditions!

A GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) will be held in June 2003 in Sibenik, Croatia! GLOBE will select approximately 10 student teams to represent The United States in Croatia. Each team will consist of 2-4 students accompanied by a teacher-chaperone. GLOBE will select the US teams to attend the meeting based on written presentations of student research projects.

This international student-teacher conference will be a forum for student research teams to present the results of their research projects. It also will be an opportunity for students to experience and measure a new environment, meet other GLOBE students from around the world, and learn from each other and from GLOBE scientists.

GLOBE HQ will select approximately 10 student teams to represent the United States in Croatia. Each team will consist of 2-4 students accompanied by a teacher-chaperone. GLOBE will select the US teams based on written presentations of student research projects. GLOBE will arrange for partial support of the winners' costs to attend the 2003 GLE.

Team size: 2 - 4 students and teacher
Student age: At least 12 years old by May 31, 2003
Student grade: In grades 7 through 12 in the 2002 - 2003 school year

Research projects: Projects must use GLOBE data or involve the application of GLOBE protocols to address a research question of interest to the students.
Written reports: See the GLE Student Investigation Report Guidelines for Report Format. Be sure that your report follows these guidelines.
Due date of reports: January 31, 2003
Selection announced: By March 15. 2003

Links below contain more information describing the requirements for the student research reports and the rubric to be used in judging them. Suggestions are offered to teachers as to how they might take students through a process leading to the completion of a research project and written report.

Additional information will be available about October 2002 offering details on the GLE, on how to submit students, research reports, and how apply to attend. GLOBE intends to select a set of high quality papers that together cover the range of GLOBE measurements and represent the diverse regions and communities of the United States of America.

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