St. John Vianney School, Spokane, WA, USA

17 October 1997

Students at St. John Vianney School continue to work hard to take their GLOBE measurements each day and to involve the whole school in GLOBE. Older students work as mentors to the younger students, ensuring that the measurement protocols are carefully followed. The fourth graders wrote and illustrated a story called "The Trouble in the Bubble" to demonstrate some of the environmental lessons they have learned. Since May 1995, the GLOBE students have reported over 2,500 GLOBE science observations!  

Working under the guidance of GLOBE Teacher Mr. Steve Barnum, the GLOBE students conducted an international atmospheric research project with GLOBE schools in Korea and Sweden called the Penta Project. "These teachers and students are certainly to be admired and complimented on a truly creative approach that combines so many aspects of GLOBE -- international participation, cooperation among schools, the inquiry method, and good research procedures," stated GLOBE Chief Scientist, Dr. Dixon Butler.

The GLOBE students and teacher enjoy great support from parents and their principal, pictured here. " My principal, Dr. Judy Morbeck, does everything she can to support the GLOBE program," reported GLOBE Teacher Mr. Steve Barnum. Dr. Morbeck is working to secure funding for an Internet link in every classroom and a special computer just for the GLOBE students.

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