Greenville Middle School, Greenville, SC, United States

16 July 1998


In recognition for her creative approaches to teaching science, GLOBE Teacher Theresa Garvin from Greenville Middle School in Greenville, South Carolina received a 1997 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Ms. Garvin teaches her students that science is "something that is on-going, involves looking for patterns, and making sense of the data that are collected."

Ms. Garvin is always looking for unique hands-on opportunities for her students, such as the GLOBE Program. From virtual trips to Antartica to an experiment where students make themselves a snack a snack by harnessing the power of the sun, Garvin's students learn science in unforgettable ways.

While in Washington, D.C. to receive her award, Ms. Garvin led a workshop for other awardees on the GLOBE Program. She continues to take courses in science education, and serves as a trainer at GLOBE Teacher Workshops throughout the United States. Congratulations to Theresa Garvin on this much-deserved honor.

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