GLOBE Across the Curriculum in Chile!

11 March 2008

In order to assist in Chile’s implementation of the GLOBE Program, GLOBE Chile has aligned the GLOBE Program with national education standards to help teachers incorporate GLOBE into several areas of study. The current Chilean educational policy continuously considers environmental education and management as a cross-curricular objective for Chilean education (Decreto Supremo de Educación Nº 220 de Chile).

In practice, incorporating environmental issues into different subject areas is difficult to achieve due to the difficulty of blending the contents of each curriculum with fundamental national educational objectives.This happens because there are few tools or suitable procedural manuals. In response to these needs, GLOBE provides the necessary resources to carry out the basic contents of each curriculum through a set of conceptual knowledge and practical skills activities that improve the understanding of students about their environment.

Examples of subjects in which GLOBE teachers in Chile are working to enhance and integrate learning, and motivate students across the curriculum are:

In other countries, GLOBE has been successfully incorporated into several additional subject areas, such as mathematics, geography, social studies, humanities, language, culture and art. For more information about how GLOBE can be benefit students through a range of activities to expand student knowledge in a variety of ways, see GLOBE Across the Curriculum.

GLOBE Chile would like to thank Mr. Manfredo Langer, GLOBE International Master Trainer in Chile, for his many contributions to the success of the GLOBE Program.

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