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About Us

FBI Executives

DirectorRobert S. Mueller, III
Deputy DirectorJohn S. Pistole
Associate Deputy Director Timothy P. Murphy
Chief of StaffLisa Monaco
Senior Counsel to the DirectorW. Lee Rawls
Special Counsel to the Director John Carlin

Office of the Director/Deputy Director/Associate Deputy Director
- Office of Congressional Affairs – Richard C. Powers
- Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Affairs – Veronica Venture
- Office of the General Counsel – Valerie E. Caproni
- Office of Integrity and Compliance – Patrick W. Kelley
- Office of the Ombudsman – Sarah Zeigler
- Office of Professional Responsibility – Candice M. Will
- Office of Public Affairs – John Miller
- Inspection Division – Kevin L. Perkins
- Facilities and Logistics Services Division – Patrick G. Findlay
- Finance Division – Richard Lee Haley, II
- Records Management Division – William L. Hooton
- Security Division – Roland J. Corvington

Executive Assistant Directors and Assistant Directors

National Security Branch
- National Security Branch EADArthur M. Cummings II
- Counterterrorism Division - Michael J. Heimbach
- Counterintelligence Division – Daniel Lee Cloyd
- Directorate of Intelligence - Kevin Favreau
- Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate – Dr. Vahid Majidi

Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
- Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services EADJ. Stephen Tidwell
- Criminal Investigative Division – Kenneth W. Kaiser
- Cyber Division - Shawn Henry
- Critical Incident Response Group– Robert A. Blecksmith
- Office of International Operations – Vacant
- Office of Law Enforcement Coordination – Ronald C. Ruecker

Human Resources Branch
- Human Resources Branch EADDonald E. Packham
- Training and Development Division – Vacant
- Human Resources Division – John G. Raucci

Science and Technology Branch
- Science and Technology Branch EADLouis E. Grever
- Criminal Justice Information Services Division – Thomas E. Bush, III
- Laboratory Division – Dr. David Christian Hassell
- Operational Technology Division – Marcus C. Thomas
- Special Technologies and Applications Office – Vacant

Information and Technology Branch
- EAD and Chief Information OfficerChad L. Fulgham
- Office of the Deputy Chief Information Officer – Dean E. Hall
- Information Technology Operations Division – James A. Loudermilk, II (Acting)
- Office of Chief Knowledge Officer – G. Clayton Grigg
- Office of Information Technology Systems Development and CTO – Jerome W. Israel
- Office of IT Program Management - John Martin Hope
- Office of IT Policy and Planning – Carlo L. Lucchesi

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