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1993-2003 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Report of Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions

Table 5.1a
Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1993-2003
[Based on administrative data reported to TEDS by all reporting States and jurisdictions. See Table 4.2a.]
Primary substance 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total  95,271 109,123 122,910 129,859 131,194 139,129 137,596 139,452 147,005 158,996 153,166
Alcohol 46,915 43,065 37,996 37,538 35,747 36,566 35,456 33,730 33,164 32,631 28,980
Alcohol only 21,275 17,926 14,096 12,768 11,537 11,489 11,163 10,768 10,933 10,732 10,196
Alcohol w/secondary drug 25,640 25,139 23,900 24,770 24,210 25,077 24,293 22,962 22,231 21,899 18,784
Cocaine  3,041  3,500  3,196  3,286  3,106  3,632  3,167  2,633  2,638  2,963  3,273
Smoked cocaine  1,600  2,026  1,623  1,469  1,296  1,627  1,367  1,123  1,048  1,134  1,253
Non-smoked cocaine  1,441  1,474  1,573  1,817  1,810  2,005  1,800  1,510  1,590  1,829  2,020
Opiates    874  1,161  1,273  1,440  1,995  2,141  2,111  2,000  2,064  2,257  2,400
Heroin    754    944  1,119  1,259  1,830  1,967  1,872  1,611  1,465  1,542  1,480
Other opiates/synthetics    120    217    154    181    165    174    239    389    599    715    920
Non-RX methadone     19     20     39     42     24     23     36     38     39     46     52
Other opiates/synthetics    101    197    115    139    141    151    203    351    560    669    868
Marijuana/hashish 30,742 46,572 63,403 72,601 74,639 81,650 82,614 86,173 91,564 100,141 99,122
Stimulants  1,907  3,166  4,983  3,106  4,622  4,400  3,471  4,388  5,364  6,253  6,869
Methamphetamine  1,159  2,078  3,472  2,160  3,402  3,298  2,546  3,209  3,972  4,796  5,504
Other amphetamines    560    923  1,330    679  1,045    917    787    982  1,143  1,266  1,210
Other stimulants    188    165    181    267    175    185    138    197    249    191    155
Other drugs  3,986  3,933  4,069  3,427  3,167  3,709  4,692  4,591  4,706  3,343  2,933
Tranquilizers     75     79     97     93    131    148    225    274    421    416    387
Benzodiazepine     45     45     60     54     66     64    131    155    258    255    288
Other tranquilizers     30     34     37     39     65     84     94    119    163    161     99
Sedatives/hypnotics     92     80     96     95    115    116    113    171    225    267    271
Barbiturates     36     42     44     25     39     32     29     49     53     50     66
Other sedatives/hypnotics     56     38     52     70     76     84     84    122    172    217    205
Hallucinogens  1,208  1,116  1,430  1,269  1,059    892  1,097  1,017    884    686    429
PCP    255    301    299    235    179    133    182    169    160    193    159
Inhalants  1,734  1,566  1,298    983    895    745    610    535    470    467    499
Over-the-counter     94    153    127     95    101     86     89     88    175    174    252
Other    528    638    722    657    687  1,589  2,376  2,337  2,371  1,140    936
None reported  7,806  7,726  7,990  8,461  7,918  7,031  6,085  5,937  7,505 11,408  9,589
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 4.11.05.