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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation AreaA fire set for training in the park.
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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Feature Pages on Environmental Factors

Most of these features were first published in the park's newsletter, Spanning the Gap. (STG) STG features are pdf files.
For related pages in this website, and for links to other websites for each feature,
look up the feature under:
ϑ NEWS: Park Newspaper-Features from Back Issues, by year (STG features)



Rx Fire (STG: Spring 1999 Vol. 21, No. 1) The prescribed fire policy. By Fire Management Officer Doug Riley.

Smokey Bear (under Features: Animals)



A Balancing Act (STG: Summer 1997 Vol. 19, No. 2) The role of resource management in the balance of nature. By park volunteer Nicole Voigt.

Aliens Invade Park! (STG: Fall/Winter 1998 Vol. 20, No. 3) An overview of the exotic plant situation in the recreation area.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (under Insects)



Acid Rain (STG: Summer 1988 Vol. 10 No. 2) What acid rain is and what it does.

Clean Water (STG: Summer 1988 Vol. 10 No. 2) How water quality is measured for the river.

Watersheds | Features on Watersheds | The River Clean-up (People)



Major Floods (under Stories)

A ranger taking a sample of water from a creek  

Did You Know?
... that the Middle Delaware River exceeds ordinary federal standards for clean water. Because of this, special higher standards have been set for the river, so it does not "deteriorate" to being just "clean enough." The river in this park is, and will remain, truly "cleaner than clean."

Last Updated: February 29, 2008 at 13:28 EST