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Characteristics of Primary Amphetamine Treatment Admissions, 2001

The DASIS Report:  Characteristics of Primary Amphetamine Treatment Admissions, 2001


  • In 2001, amphetamines including methamphetamine, were the primary substance of abuse reported in more than 98,000 substance abuse treatment admissions. This represented 6% of the admissions reported that year to SAMHSA's Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).

  • Among admissions with amphetamines as a primary substance, the most common route of administration was smoking (44%), followed by injection (26%), and inhalation (19%).

  • Primary amphetamine admissions were more likely to have been referred to substance abuse treatment by the criminal justice system than admissions for other substances (48% vs. 34%).

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This Short Report, The DASIS Report:  Characteristics of Primary Amphetamine Treatment Admissions, 2001, is based on the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), the primary source of national data on substance abuse treatment.  DASIS is conducted by the Office of Applied Studies (OAS) in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

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